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climate4impact: Bridging Climate Model data to the impacts communities (public)
Convener: Wim Som de Cerff  | Co-Conveners: Martin Juckes , Christian Pagé 
Thu, 11 Apr, 12:15–13:15  / Room R3

The ENES Portal Interface for the Climate Impact Communities (climate4impact) developed within the IS-ENES FP7 project is oriented towards climate change impact modellers, impact and adaptation consultants, as well as other experts using climate change data. The portal provides access to data and quick looks of global climate models (GCM) scenarios, as well as regional climate model (RCM) and downscaled higher resolution climate data. The portal complies to INSPIRE EU directives, and provides data transformation tooling for tailoring data to your needs and mapping & plotting capabilities. Guidance on how to use climate scenarios, documentation on the climate system, frequently asked questions (FAQ) and examples in several impact and adaptation themes (Use Cases) are presented and described, along with the steps required to go from the GCM data to the impact model input data (workflow).
Furthermore, the portal underlying architecture is made of building blocks and exportable tools using accepted standards such as OGC Web Services and Metadata, as well as implementing interoperability which enables the portal to also act as a virtual portal.
In the session the climate4impact future developments in IS-ENES2 will be discussed, as well as the integration of ESGF and CORDEX.

Public information: The ENES Portal Interface for the Climate Impact Communities (climate4impact) developed within the IS-ENES FP7 project is oriented towards climate change impact modellers, impact and adaptation consultants, as well as other experts using climate change data. The portal provides access to data and quick looks of global climate models (GCM) scenarios, as well as regional climate model (RCM) and downscaled higher resolution climate data. The portal complies to INSPIRE EU directives, and provides data transformation tooling for tailoring data to your needs and mapping & plotting capabilities. Guidance on how to use climate scenarios, documentation on the climate system, frequently asked questions (FAQ) and examples in several impact and adaptation themes (Use Cases) are presented and described, along with the steps required to go from the GCM data to the impact model input data (workflow).
Furthermore, the portal underlying architecture is made of building blocks and exportable tools using accepted standards such as OGC Web Services and Metadata, as well as implementing interoperability which enables the portal to also act as a virtual portal.
In the session the climate4impact future developments in IS-ENES2 will be discussed, as well as the integration of ESGF and CORDEX.