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Downscaling and subgrid modeling in geosystems
Convener: Tobias Sauter  | Co-Conveners: Douglas Maraun , Fernando Porté-Agel , Erika Coppola , Victor Venema (deceased) , Isabel de Lima 
 / Thu, 01 May, 08:30–10:00
 / Attendance Thu, 01 May, 17:30–19:00

Geophysical systems are characterized by variability on a large range of scales. Consequently, the resolution of dynamical models, measurements and retrievals are often insufficient and downscaling methods are needed to generate time series and fields with an appropriate spatial or temporal resolution. There has been important progress over the last decade in the development of downscaling methods, and the theoretical development and validation of models using scaling properties to represent geophysical processes. Many of these processes are highly nonlinear and intermittent over a wide range of physical scales.
This session wants to bring together scientists from all geophysical disciplines working on the current status of modeling concepts and techniques that address the multiscale character of geophysical processes at the various scale-ranges (e.g. complex land-air or air-sea interfaces, hydrological, global atmospheric, topographic). The focus will be on studies on methodological questions, introducing new algorithms, as well as research comparing and validating methods. This also includes scaling phenomenologies and dynamic down- or up-scaling techniques in formulating subgrid parameterizations. The session will address the current status of multiphysics parameterizations, when many altogether different processes (with possibly very different scaling properties) need to be combined in simplified descriptions at various scales. Contributions on dynamical and statistical downscaling, theoretical, numerical, and field or laboratory experimental results, as well as engineering applications, are welcome.