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Arid Lands Restoration & Combat of Desertification: Theory and Practice in Vegetation Reestablishment and Sustainable Land Management (co-organized)
Co-Conveners: Cristina Branquinho , Janet Hooke , Christoph Külls , María José Marqués Pérez , Gudrun Schwilch 
 / Thu, 01 May, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Thu, 01 May, 17:30–19:00
Poster Summaries & DiscussionsPSD9.2 

This session is planned to contribute to the dissemination and discussion of the science and practical guidance for dryland restoration and the combat of desertification. It is organised by members of COST Action ES1104 which focuses on the practical measures that can be used by practitioners, decision makers and stakeholders to restore degraded drylands and manage their recovery.
Contributions include and address the issues, problems, projects and research being undertaken related to the science, techniques, and the traditional as well as innovative methods of vegetation establishment regarding soils and hydrology, the plants themselves, the relative importance of other biotic and abiotic components on drylands and the use of native or non-native plants for restoration. The issue of vegetation establishment and management is broad ranging and cross cutting as is this session and it also includes social aspects as well as agricultural practices. Land abandonment and sustainable land management practices in desertified areas are also considered important for this session, particularly with reference to how arid lands can be used for agriculture.