TS5.4/NH4.6/SM2.5 Earthquakes, historical sources and faults: from raw observations to seismic parameters (co-organized) |
Convener: Paola Albini | Co-Convener: Oona Scotti |
The importance of reconstructing the effects of non-instrumentally recorded earthquakes is widely recognized in the seismological community, and especially in hazard related studies. However, the relevance of such a research is only appreciated by the scientific community when published in the context of parametric earthquake catalogues. In such an approach, for instance, the historian is a mere data provider that disappears once the earthquake catalogue is published. The promotion of a more multidisciplinary approach with a two-way exchange of data between scientists and historians interested in the characterization of earthquakes is becoming a pressing need. Through a multidisciplinary approach it is hoped that a more complete and less amateur/anecdotal knowledge of the long-term seismicity may be achieved. Scientists from all disciplines (e.g. history, archaeology, palaeosismology) dealing with the complex interpretative process of deriving seismological data from diversely originated and non-seismological observations of earthquakes are encouraged to present case histories deriving from their own research experience. Focus should especially be on how the interdisciplinary approach resulted in a more robust and comprehensive reappraisal of individual earthquakes or the seismicity of an area.