GMPV21 Interplay of magmatism and plate tectonic processes in a complex geodynamic setting - case studies in the Mediterranean and surrounding regions (co-organized) |
Convener: Szabolcs Harangi | Co-Conveners: Michele Lustrino , Dejan Prelevic |
Can plate-tectonic concepts explain the origin of the magmas and the style of magmatism? Can our models on magma generation and evolution be used to understand the geodynamic evolution of an area? In the Mediterranean region a wide range of magmas (from strongly silica undersaturated carbonatites, silico-carbonatites and melitilites to strongly silica-oversaturated rhyolites) erupted for the last 50 Myr. They are related to a range of tectonic processes such as continental rifting and drifting, lithospheric boudinage, back-arc basin opening, formation of volcanic arcs and orogens, all of these linked in some way to the convergence between African and Eurasian plates and the associated micro-plates. Although there have been rapidly growing petrologic and tectonic models a number of highly controversial questions still remain. In this session we aim discussing the state-of-art particularly focusing on the origin of the magmas in this complex geodynamic setting.
We encourage the submission of contribution mostly in the following key issues: (1) Origin of magmas with ‘subduction signature’ in a post-collision setting: how such magmas can form without coeval subduction? (2) Origin of the alkaline sodic magmas in orogenic areas following or partly overlapping the calc-alkaline magmatism: are there any common points in the petrogenesis of the alkaline sodic magmas in the Mediterranean area and the western and central Europe rift zones? (3) Structural controls on the magmatism in complex areas: is it plate-tectonic controlled or deep mantle process controlled? (4) Presence of carbonatites and carbonate-rich igneous rocks: are these exotic compositions coming from the deep mantle or are the results of a normal CO2-bearing upper mantle?