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Innovation in Geoscience and Engineering Education
Convener: Ana Maria Tarquis  | Co-Conveners: Ruth E Falconer , Encarnación Taguas , Anne Gobin , Leonor Rodriguez-Sinobas 
 / Thu, 01 May, 15:30–17:00
 / Attendance Thu, 01 May, 17:30–19:00

In the current environmental and economic context, the education in Engineering and Geosciences should work with the available knowledge to achieve society's goals. The current formation of the future generation should be focused on the need of an accurate balance between economy, society and environment as well as on the preparation of lifelong learners, adapted to a very rapid and variable labor market. The success of this process implies that students must be exposed to real problem-solving tasks to learn how to learn in scenarios of a high incertitude, scarcity of natural resources and serious environmental risks (such as climate change, among others).

This session is conceived to link: 1) new tendencies such as tools, approaches and methodologies to improve the learning or incorporating innovative technologies for the students of Geosciences and Engineering; 2) long term teaching experiences which allow to understand the role of engineers and geoscientists into society in order to prepare them for the future.