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Kinetically controlled geochemical transport in the crust and the upper mantle
Convener: Thomas Mueller 
 / Thu, 01 May, 15:30–17:00
 / Attendance Thu, 01 May, 17:30–19:00

The distribution of elements and isotopes in the crust and mantle is heterogeneous in space and time at all scales of observation. The crust and mantle are therefore dynamic systems where substantial mass transport occurs on the scales between atoms and hundreds of kilometers driven by gradients in composition, temperature, and pressure. Fluid flow, diffusion, and mineral reactions typically govern mass transfer, which is geochemically preserved in different ways and on different scales. Quantitative knowledge of mechanisms, rates, and controlling parameters is crucial to understand the evolution of geochemical systems in the crust and mantle. This session invites contributions on all aspects of geochemical transport properties and processes, as well as their application in the Earth Sciences. Field, experimental, and theoretical studies are welcome.
Contributors will be invited to submit their research for publication in a special collection of American Mineralogist that is an outgrowth from recent and forthcoming conference sessions, including this one, on kinetic- and transport-controlled geochemical processes.