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Theory and simulation of solar system plasmas
Convener: Jörg Büchner  | Co-Convener: Giovanni Lapenta (deceased) 
 / Tue, 29 Apr, 13:30–17:00
 / Attendance Tue, 29 Apr, 17:30–19:00

"Theory and simulations of solar system plasmas" aims to highlight results from microscopic to global scales, achieved by theoretical investigations and numerical simulations of the plasma dynamics in the solar system. The theoretical approach must allow evidencing the universality of the phenomena being considered, whatever the region is where their role is studied; at the Sun, in the solar corona, in the interplanetary space or in planetary magnetospheres. All possible theoretical issues concerning plasma dynamics are welcome, especially those using numerical models and simulations, since these tools are mandatory whenever analytical treatments fail, in particular when complex nonlinear phenomena are at work. For 2014, all works related to turbulence, especially on electron scales, are particularly encouraged.