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Solar system plasma turbulence
Convener: Zoltan Voros  | Co-Conveners: Yasuhito Narita , Marius M. Echim 
 / Fri, 02 May, 10:30–12:15
 / Attendance Fri, 02 May, 08:30–10:00

This session focuses on the physics of multi-scale plasma turbulence, addressing both fundamental and applied questions, such as energy transfer between scales, the role of coherent structures and boundaries, scale invariance, intermittency, criticality, anisotropy, collisionless and coarse-grained dissipation. The novelty of the proposed session is that we encourage experimental, numerical and theoretical contributions that investigate the (non-) universal features of turbulence in planetary plasma environments with or without intrinsic magnetic field in comparison to spatio-temporal evolution of solar wind turbulence. We also focus on the solar-cycle dependence of intermittent properties of turbulence, repeatedly affecting solar wind – planetary interactions, geomagnetic activity and indices, transport across boundaries and plasma heating.