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MAX-DOAS: Towards vertical profiles of aerosols and tropospheric trace gases (co-organized)
Convener: Steffen Beirle  | Co-Conveners: Thomas Wagner , Michel Van Roozendael , Julia Remmers , Folkard Wittrock 
 / Wed, 30 Apr, 13:30–17:00
 / Attendance Wed, 30 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Over the last years, a growing number of Multi-AXis (MAX) DOAS instruments is operated world wide.
By probing the troposphere in different viewing angles, vertical profile information on aerosols and tropospheric trace gases, in particular NO2, can be derived.
Thereby, MAX-DOAS provides an essential link between in-situ measurements of trace gas concentrations and column-integrated measurements from satellite.
This session is open for contributions about
- MAX-DOAS instrumentation and operation on various platforms (ground-based, mobile, aircraft)
- trace gas retrievals
- inversion algorithms
- identification and treatment of clouds
- comparisons to in-situ or satellite measurments and models
- scientific results.
Results from intercomparison campaigns like CINDI (2009 in Cabauw) or MADCAT (2013 in Mainz) are particularly welcome.