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Measurement and monitoring techniques for evaluating sediment transport and dynamic processes in open-water environments (co-organized)
Convener: Stefan Haun  | Co-Conveners: Axel Winterscheid , Gabriele Harb , Stephan Dietrich 
 / Thu, 01 May, 13:30–15:00
 / Attendance Thu, 01 May, 17:30–19:00

Understanding sedimentary processes and transport mechanism in aquatic environments are key features for various research disciplines, e.g. in geomorphological, as paleoclimatogical research or in hydraulic engineering. An accurate evaluation of sediment fluxes of the study site is thus necessary for providing a basis for developing sediment budgets and for calibration and validation of numerical model results.
Innovative measurement and monitoring techniques are important tools to determine the transport processes in rivers, lakes and reservoirs, estuaries as well as maritime and coastal environments. However, the used measurement technique has to be selected carefully and due to the individuality of each field site often adapted on the in-situ conditions. As a consequence enlarged monitoring programs are often carried out to evaluate e.g. discharge - sediment flux rating curves or to proof existing assumptions of the sediment yield coming from the catchment.
An additional focus should also be given to the observation and evaluation of morphological changes and sedimentary processes including bed armoring effects, consolidation and flocculation effects, re-suspension or hindered settling.

We invite contributions to the proposed interdisciplinary session, which focuses on single measurement techniques and post-processing methods as well as on innovative and advanced monitoring programs. The main goal is to bring scholars conducting innovative research together and to give insight into the methods for the evaluation of sediment budgets, sedimentary and morphodynamic processes in open water environments in a temporal and spatial scale.
Key topics that are of special interest may include:

- Observation and evaluation of suspended sediment transport and concentrations in open water environments with optical, acoustical and traditional sampling methods
- Observation and evaluation of bed load transport with bed load samplers, sediment traps and tracer stones
- Observation and evaluation of bed material with mechanical bed material samplers or freeze core technique
- Comparison of different measurement techniques
- Case studies on monitoring programs
- Observation and evaluation of morphological changes like reservoir sedimentation, bank erosion or bed armoring