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Adapting geophysical applications to many- and multi-core high performance computing architectures
Convener: Xavier Lapillonne  | Co-Conveners: Oliver Fuhrer , Valentine Anantharaj , R. S. Nanjundiah , Ebru Bozdag 
 / Thu, 01 May, 15:30–17:15
 / Attendance Wed, 30 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Simulation has become the third pillar of science, being critical for advancing our understanding of geophysical systems such as the atmosphere, the ocean and the earth’s crust. In the past years intra-node parallelism on high performance computers has continuously been increasing, either because of the increasing number of cores on CPUs or because of accelerators such as GPUs or Intel MICs. This trend is particularly reflected in the latest TOP500 ranking were the first two supercomputers are heterogeneous systems equipped with accelerators. In order to fully benefit from this hardware evolution applications often require substantial modifications.
This session will explore tools, approaches and issues related to the adaption of earth science code to run on multicore and accelerated supercomputers.
The session particularly encourages presentations and discussions related to the following topics:
- Analysis of application performance and identification of crucial bottlenecks which may be relevant to the wider community.
- Experience in adapting codes to emerging high performance computing architectures.
- Implementation approaches: re-write using new programming paradigms (CUDA, OpenCL, CHAPEL, ...) or incremental adaptation using compiler directives
- Achieving performance portability: Many earth science codes have large user community and are required to run on very different systems. Is it possible to achieve good performance with a single code across various platforms?
- Achieving high degreess of parallelism and scalability

Solicited contributions:
Matthew R. Norman