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Exploiting space- and ground-based information for effective disaster risk reduction and preparedness
Convener: Massimiliano Pittore 
 / Attendance Tue, 29 Apr, 17:30–19:00

The potential for exploiting space technologies within the context of disaster risk reduction is far from being exhausted, especially in less-developed countries. Moreover, vulnerability and risk assessment cannot exclude the need for collecting ground-based data and ancillary information. Successfully acquiring and integrating such heterogeneous data sources to provide timely and reliable geospatial information to decision-makers is an endeavour requiring a truly multidisciplinary approach.

This session calls for contributions on the following topics:
- application of remote sensing to vulnerability monitoring and recovery assessment
- integration of space- and ground-based data
- management of geospatial information throughout the disaster management cycle

Innovative methodologies and case studies are especially welcome.