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Metadata, Data Models, and Semantics
Convener: Andrew Woolf  | Co-Conveners: Paolo Diviacco , Alaitz Zabala , Simon Cox , Jon Blower , Lorenzo Bigagli , Joan Masó 
 / Tue, 29 Apr, 10:30–12:00
 / Attendance Tue, 29 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Earth systems science is fundamentally cross-disciplinary, and increasingly this requires sharing and exchange of geoscientific information across discipline boundaries. This information can be both rich and complex, and content is not always readily interpretable by either humans or machines. Difficulties arise through differing exchange formats, lack of common semantics, divergent access mechanisms, etc.

Recent developments in distributed, service-oriented, information systems using web-based (W3C, OASIS, ISO, OGC) standards are leading to advances in data interoperability. At the same time, work is underway to understand how meaning may be represented using ontologies and other semantic mechanisms.

This session aims to explore developments in interoperable data sharing, and the representation of semantic meaning to enable interpretation of geoscientific information. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- standards-based information modelling
- interoperable data sharing
- use of metadata
- knowledge representation through ontologies
- use of semantics in an interoperability context
- application of semantics to discovery and analysis
- metadata and collaboration