EMRP3.4 Past geomagnetic field recorders: New data, methodologies, analyses and applications. Tribute to Prof.Mary Kovacheva |
Convener: Evdokia Tema | Co-Convener: Miriam Gomez-Paccard |
Investigating the secular variation changes of the Earth's magnetic field in the past is crucial to understand the behavior of the geodynamo and the dynamics at the core mantle boundary. Historical and instrumental data allow us to understand the spatial and temporal evolution of the geomagnetic field
during the last decades. For older periods, geomagnetic field reconstructions can be obtained by studying well-dated archaeological material, volcanic rocks and sediments. Available data indicate that during the past millennia there have been periods of rapid geomagnetic field fluctuations interspersed with periods of almost constant field. However, the exact behavior of the past Earth magnetic field is still under discussion and the challenge now is to precisely describe the full geomagnetic field vector worldwide. This session will focus on the methods of acquiring new directional and intensity archeo- and/or paleomagnetic data. Particular interest will be given on the acquisition of new data for time periods poorly covered and geographic areas with scarce records. Papers regarding advances on measurement techniques are also highly welcomed. Archeo- and paleomagnetic data are crucial for modelling the geomagnetic field both at regional and global scales. We thus also solicit contributions
about recent advances on geomagnetic field modeling and their contribution to archeo- or paleomagnetic dating.
In addition, this session will be dedicated to the outstanding achievements of Mary Kovacheva. Her pioneering studies on archaeomagnetism started back in 1967 and developed during several decades thanks to synergistic collaborations between Bulgarian archaeologists and Sofia's palaeomagnetic laboratory team. Nowadays the Bulgarian archaeomagnetic data set counts about 350 sites spanning 8 millennia and is widely used for reconstruction of the Holocene geomagnetic field.