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Studying the climate of the last two millennia
Convener: Lucien von Gunten  | Co-Conveners: Sebastian Wagner , Jürg Luterbacher , Anne Hormes , Johannes Werner , Elena García-Bustamante 
 / Thu, 16 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / 13:30–17:00
 / Attendance Thu, 16 Apr, 17:30–19:00

This session aims to highlight integrative paleoclimate research with a focus on climate variations during the past 2000 years.

The main focus will be on climate reconstruction studies as well as modeling approaches; therefore, we invite presentations that give an insight into land and ocean climate records, data syntheses, and approaches to producing multi-proxy climate field reconstructions, including integration of low and high resolution proxies and new methodological concepts for paleoclimatic reconstructions. We further invite contributions on early observational records.

Temperature reconstructions and simulations from local/regional to global scales are welcome, particularly those that involve the PAGES 2k regions and PMIP3 LM simulations. Studies that address hydroclimate and contributing mechanisms or quantitative assessments of the skill of long-term hydrological reconstructions are also a key target.

We are also interested in transient climate simulations, data model comparison, forward proxy modeling, data assimilation, and detection and attribution studies.

The session is co-sponsored by the PAGES 2k project (