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Atmospheric Convection: Dynamics, Lifecycle, Chemistry, and Transport
Convener: Cathy Hohenegger  | Co-Conveners: Leo Donner , Holger Tost , Jun-Ichi Yano , Silke Troemel 
 / Fri, 17 Apr, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Fri, 17 Apr, 13:30–15:00

The goal of this session is to organise a joint forum for the wide range of communities concerned with atmospheric convection. Contributions are welcome on dynamics, chemistry, and transport. Field, theoretical, forecasting, and modelling studies of convection are appropriate contributions. A particular goal of the session is to encourage examination of interactions between convection and other atmospheric phenomena, e.g, boundary layers, cloud physics, and radiation. Studies on parameterization development are also welcome. An emphasis of this year's session will be on the organization of convection in models ranging from the idealized (e.g. radiative convective equilibrium) to the complex, in observations, and in the climate system. This session will as well bring together the remote sensing community, cloud physicists, numerical modelers and forecasters with the aim to advance current understanding of the convective storm life cycles with new
statistical observation and modeling approaches.