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Atmospheric processes over complex terrain
Convener: Dino Zardi  | Co-Conveners: Ivana Stiperski , Stefano Serafin 
 / Mon, 13 Apr, 13:30–17:00
 / Attendance Mon, 13 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Mountains extend over approximately one quarter of the total land surface on the planet and a significant fraction of the world’s population lives in their vicinity. In mountain regions, distinctive climatic features, meteorological phenomena and boundary layer processes affect the natural environment as well as several key aspects of the quality of life. This session welcomes contributions on all research topics related to the influence of mountains on the atmosphere, including:

(1) theoretical and numerical process studies on dynamically- and thermally-driven mountain flows;
(2) findings from recent observational field campaigns;
(3) boundary-layer processes over mountainous terrain;
(4) forecasting and predictability of mountain weather;
(5) orographic clouds and precipitation;
(6) climate change impacts on mountain regions;
(7) meteorological applications over complex terrain (air quality, renewable energy resources, atmospheric interactions with built environments, support to tourism, outdoor activities and transportation safety).