AS4.4 Acoustic-gravity waves: From ocean and land to space |
Convener: Oleg Godin | Co-Conveners: Elisabeth Blanc , Takashi Maruyama , Nikolay Zabotin |
The ocean is a major repository of mechanical energy and a major conductor of energy fluxes between the Earth’s crust and the atmosphere. A significant portion of the energy exchange occurs in the form of acoustic-gravity waves. The ionospheric perturbations attributed to the Tohoku tsunami in March 2011 confirmed in a dramatic fashion that the Earth’s ionosphere is coupled to the wave processes in the ocean.
A closely related research field is the study of coupling between seismic processes and the upper atmosphere and, in particular, investigation of the feasibility of quantifying seismic events through observation of their ionospheric manifestations with satellite-borne instruments.
Two major recent research initiatives, ARISE (Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe) in Europe and Couplings – Ocean to Space or Ionospheric Drivers from Below in the U.S., offer an opportunity to dramatically advance our understanding of the role that the infrasound and acoustic-gravity waves play in the coupled Earth’s crust – ocean – atmosphere system.
We encourage submission of papers on observations, theory, and modeling of acoustic-gravity waves and infrasound in various environments on and beyond the Earth. Papers on coupling of wave processes in the upper atmosphere with those in the ocean and in Earth’s crust are particularly welcome.
Solicited speaker: Andreas Dörnbrack (Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany).