ESSI2.3 Service and Brokering Architecture challenges for multi-disciplinary interoperability and Future Internet |
Convener: Stefano Nativi | Co-Conveners: Ben Domenico , Jay Pearlman , Joan Masó |
/ Attendance Wed, 15 Apr, 17:30–19:00
Earth scientists integrate knowledge stemming from different disciplines and the constituent parts of the Earth system, with the objective of understand
its properties as a whole. This requires the integration of information systems characterized by diverse protocols and interfaces, different data
policies and security levels. Advanced cyber(e)-infrastructures will support the operation of an Earth System Science Community.
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Resource-Oriented Architecture (ROA) are widely used to implement such cyber(e)-Infrastructures. However, Global and complex infrastructures (e.g. System of Systems like GEOSS and EarthCube) raised new challenges for SOA and ROA approaches.
Recently, Brokering architecture technologies promised to address important challenges posed by Global and multi-disciplinary cyber(e)-Infrastructures,
lowering entry barriers for both Users and Data Providers.
This session aims to collect experiences and possible solutions to address such challenges, including both technical developments and applications.