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Using Models for Decision Support and Long Term Planning under Climate and Environmental Uncertainty
Conveners: Markus Disse , Carmen Maftei  | Co-Conveners: Tim Bellerby , Demetris Koutsoyiannis 
 / Wed, 15 Apr, 15:30–17:00
 / Attendance Wed, 15 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Climate has ever been changing, thus altering the hydrological cycle and in turn affecting water resources with implications to the hydrotechnical works. In engineering, we must incorporate a non-static climate in our practice and envisage the changing climate as an opportunity for great hydroengineering innovations.
This session aims to:
-investigate and evaluate the relationship of climate with the hydrological cycle and water resources availability for hydroengineering works, including the possible effects on the quality of water resources
-evaluate the traditional techniques of water resources planning and management in order to adjust them considering the new knowledge on a changing climate;
-improve the evaluation of the environmental impact produced by the different uses of water;
- identify the water management community’s needs for climate-related information and tools to support long-term planning;
- evaluate potential climate change impact on flood and drought hazard/risk assessment and management.
- explore the impact of using uncertain climate change predictions for planning, as opposed to headline ‘best guess’ estimates.