TS6.5/GMPV4.7 Crustal construction processes from the Backarc-Arc to the Forearc and the origin of ophiolites of belts and subduction arcs (co-organized) |
Convener: César R. Ranero | Co-Conveners: Carlos J. Garrido , Claudio Faccenna , Philippe Agard |
The scope of this session is to compare processes of mountain building (e.g. Alpine-Hymalayan) and subduction arcs (e.g. Pacific arcs) and to relate them to models of ophiolite formation in those settings.
In addition we encourage presentations that study active processes of oceanic lithosphere creation in Back-arc, Arc, and Forearc systems of subduction zones, as well as crustal accretion at Mid Ocean Ridges and relate/compare them to the structure of ophiolites. We also welcome contributions that debate on oceanic lithosphere formation processes and ophiolite formation settings.
Co-sponsored by International Lithospheric Program (ILP -CC4-MEDYNA), and IRSES-MEDYNA (funded GA-PIRSES-2013-61257)