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Novel hydro-geomorphological approaches for improved flood risk understanding and/or mitigation (co-organized)
Convener: Jose Andres Lopez-Tarazon  | Co-Conveners: Donal Mullan , Patrick Byrne , Elizabeth Whitfield 
 / Wed, 15 Apr, 15:30–17:00

Rivers are dynamic and complex systems that transfer water and sediment from the headwaters to the outlets. Their structure is formed by sediments that have experienced episodes of entrainment, transport and deposition, episodes driven by natural disturbances such as floods. Floods severity is not just related to the magnitude of the flood event, but also to the degree of modification of river channel geomorphology and the extent to which floodplains have been modified and occupied. Therefore, floods are seen as a major hydro-geomorphological hazard for society. It is well known that channel geometry and bed composition evolve over time, adjusting toward a new configuration when water and sediment supply changes. In natural streams this situation is often reached during flood events, a state that alters preceding equilibrium conditions and leads to alternative states; hence, fluvial channels are not static, but migrate (to different degrees) along and across floodplains. Major metamorphosis of river channels (i.e. channel deformation) is expected as a result of global change. Increased frequency and magnitude of floods is likely to lead to major geomorphic adjustment, an especially important issue for the Mediterranean basin, even more in those catchments which have suffered drastic land use changes. In this respect, it is important to explore feedbacks in river systems which may exacerbate or ameliorate existing flood risk.

We invite contributions to this session that focus on the improvement of our understanding of the hydro-geomorphological flooding hazards associated with global change by the use of monitoring or modelling techniques and/or a combination of both. Key themes include:

- Novel techniques (i.e. measuring, monitoring) to acquire relevant data for flooding risk assessment (e.g. topography, hydraulics, hydrology, sediment transport).
- Implementation of new modules in already existing models to improve flooding risk estimations
- Development of new models to improve understanding of hydro-geomorphological impacts due to extraordinary floods
- Catchment scale vs reach scale (1D, 2D) modelling on flooding risks. Is it possible to combine both modelling approaches?
- Effects of global change and basin characteristics (e.g., size, geology, lithology, land use, hydrological regime, sediment transport) over hydro-geomorphological hazards. Which are the most important variables affecting hazards?
- Exploration of existing feedbacks in river systems to determine whether they exacerbate or ameliorate flood risks.
- Changes of hydro-geomorphological hazards relative to historical and contemporary ones for different global change scenarios