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Climate change assessments for the Baltic and North Sea regions: Observations, model projections and impacts
Convener: Marcus Reckermann  | Co-Conveners: Markus Quante , Corinna Schrum , Anders Omstedt 
 / Mon, 13 Apr, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Mon, 13 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Regional climate change assessment reports for the Baltic and North Sea regions have now been established as independent regional compilations of the available published knowledge on observed and modeled future regional climate change, including ecological, environmental and socio-economic impacts. These assessments are similar to the global IPCC reports but emphasize on the regional scale and draw upon the knowledge of regional experts. The first BACC book (Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin) was published in 2008, and the second (BACC II), to which 140 authors have contributed, will be published at the time of the EGU 2015. NOSCCA, the North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment, is in its final phase and will publish the results elaborated by about 130 authors later in 2015.
This session invites the authors of the BACC II and NOSCCA assessments to present their results to a larger audience. Authors who have not participated in the assessments but would like to present relevant research connected to the session theme are invited as well. Aim of this session should be to present a good overview over the current knowledge of climate change and its impacts in the Baltic and North Sea regions, and also to look at the regional differences between these highly utilised areas.