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Landslide hydrology: understanding and quantifying hydrology, effects of climate change on slope deformation and runout
Convener: Thom Bogaard  | Co-Conveners: Jose Cepeda , Hiroshi Fukuoka , Roberto Greco , Jean-Philippe Malet , Paolo Frattini 
 / Wed, 15 Apr, 13:30–17:00
 / Attendance Wed, 15 Apr, 17:30–19:00

This session is aimed at two main aspects:
• Discuss hydrology related to landslide occurrence on both local and regional scale, focusing on the detailed analysis and modelling of hydrological processes.
• Rainfall-triggered landslides in the context of climate change and exposure of urban areas.

The first aspect is targeted at improving our understanding and prediction of the spatio-temporal patterns of landslide triggering and slope deformation mechanisms. Water circulation within a slope and the resultant transient changes in both shallow and deep hydrological systems is the most common controlling and triggering factor of slope movements. However, incorporation of hydrological process knowledge in slope failure analysis, such as water-rock interaction, water storage, dynamic preferential flows or the influence of frost conditions to name a few, still lags behind. Also, the inclusion of regional hydrological information in rainfall thresholds analysis is underdeveloped. The research frontiers are connected with the complexity of real landslides such as the difficulty to monitor groundwater levels or soil moisture contents in unstable terrain and over large areas, the difficulty to understand the water pathways within heterogeneous regolith soils and fractured bedrock, which are the characteristic substratum where landslides occur, and the complexity of dynamically quantifying and predicting the hydrological exchange between a potentially unstable slope and its surroundings.

We invite research ranging from unsaturated zone, hillslope processes and regional hydrology that are applied to landslide research in a broad sense: ranging from soil slips to large scale deep-seated slope deformation. The session will give time to both laboratory and field monitoring studies, preferably quantitative, and based on novel measurement and modelling techniques. We invite pioneering research that includes hydrological information in local and regional hazard assessment. Moreover, we welcome studies that incorporate hydrological process knowledge in the geotechnical analysis and modelling setting the next step to improve landslide hazard analysis.
The second aspect of the session is targeted to collecting case studies of those landslide disasters characterized by urban developments into hilly or mountainous zones and extreme rainfalls, as well as present new ideas and practices for prediction, assessment, hazard mapping, early warning, and emergency response, using methodologies that consider both scientific, technological, and sociological aspects. In addition to this, the frequency of extreme rainfall seems to be rising in most parts of the world, and these extreme events are often triggering landslides in areas ranging from a few to tens of square kilometers. Prediction, assessment, and early warning evacuation against this new type of landslide disasters are urgent but not straightforward, even with the implementation of advanced rain radars and procedures for evacuations.