SC8/SSS0.22 Short course: Reviewing papers in soil system sciences: how and why? (co-organized) |
Convener: Johan Six | Co-Convener: Matthias Vanmaercke |
Mon, 13 Apr, 13:30–15:15
The peer-review process is an essential part of scientific communication. Nonetheless, for starting scientists, it may be challenging to take part in this process. This session therefore aims to provide a crash course to young scientists on how to review a scientific paper. As an experienced author and editor, Johan Six will explain:
i) how the peer-review process works; advantages and disadvantages of different peer-review systems
ii) why peer review is important but not bullet-proof;
iii) how you know if you are a suitable candidate to review a paper;
iv) what you should pay attention to as a reviewer; and
v) how reviewing the work of others can benefit your own scientific work.
After this, there will be the opportunity for specific questions.