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Volcanic ash: local to global
Convener: Ulrich Kueppers  | Co-Conveners: Jacopo Taddeucci , Yan Lavallée , Pierre Delmelle , Katherine Dobson 
 / Thu, 16 Apr, 15:30–17:00
 / Attendance Thu, 16 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Volcanic ash particles are commonly generated during explosive volcanic eruptions. They sit apart from other eruption products due to their small size (less than 2 mm) and the consequent high surface-to-mass ratio. This peculiarity carries a plethora of consequences, including the possible long-range transport as particles in suspension, their high reactivity with the surrounding environment and the diversity of direct and indirect impacts as e.g. health hazards because of inhaling, effects on air traffic or changes of soil fertility. The ash cycle begins with eruptive processes responsible for its initial formation and injection into the atmosphere. We stress that several different primary processes can generate volcanic ash. Advective dispersal and simultaneous chemical-physical interactions, including aggregation and alteration, further control the properties of the ash. Finally, remobilization and incorporation into the environment close the cycle, the ultimate positive or adverse impact of ash on science, society and the environment depending on the observation timescale. In this multidisciplinary session we invite observational, experimental and theoretical contributions on all aspects of the ash cycle, and especially welcome cross-over and integrated approaches, broadening our current views of volcanic ash-related processes.