UM22 A community journal grown up: Celebrating 10 years of Climate of the Past (CP) |
Conveners: Carlo Barbante , Thorsten Kiefer , Marie-France Loutre , Denis-Didier Rousseau |
Thu, 16 Apr, 19:00–20:00
Public information: |
“A community journal grown up: Celebrating 10 years of Climate of the Past ” Climate of the Past was launched as a community-driven journal in 5 June 2005 few weeks after EGU 2005. Since its beginning, Climate of the Past was a venue for open-access publishing of research results with a transparent review system. The journal’s scope covers the four main domains of paleoclimatic analysis: ice, ocean, land and modeling. These domains are represented on the journal cover and in the expertise of the 4 co-editors-in-chief. After being WoS-indexed just 2 years after its launch, Climate of the Past has been growing to the point that it is now, 10 years later, a key component in the paleoscience world and a globally well-acknowledged publication. We would like to thank all the protagonists, including authors, editors, reviewers and publishers, who made this journey an exciting success story. What a great pleasure to work with you all! Join us for a special celebration of this 10th anniversary, open to all, during the EGU General Assembly 2015 in Vienna on Thursday 16 April room Y9, 7:00-8:00 pm. Climate of the Past co-editors-in-chief |