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Chemo-mechanical feedback between mineral reactions, stress generation, deformation and mass transport in the presence of fluids (co-organized)
Convener: Bjørn Jamtveit  | Co-Conveners: Lucie Tajčmanová , Thomas Mueller , Qin Wang 
 / Thu, 21 Apr, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Thu, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00

A wide range of transformation processes in the lithosphere, including prograde and retrograde metamorphism, metasomatism, formation of hydrothermal ore deposits, compaction of porous rocks by pressure solution, shear zone development, and many examples of weathering, involve an intimate coupling between chemical reactions, transport processes, and deformation at a large range of length and time scales. Fluids often play a key role in controlling this coupling and the overall rate and mechanisms of the various processes. Recent research furthermore indicate that heterogeneous stress distribution on a variety of scales may have profound effects on the dynamics of lithospheric transformation processes both for energetic and kinetic reasons. This session is aimed to advance our understanding on what mass transport processes operate at different length and time scales and how these can be measured.
We invite contributions focused on transformation processes taking place in the presence of fluids at a variety of stress conditions, and covering a broad range of systems, scales and pressure & temperature conditions. Field studies, experimental and modeling approaches are all welcome.