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Biodiversity, biological activity and nutrient cycling in soil and rhizosphere
Convener: Lily Pereg (deceased)  | Co-Conveners: Fuensanta García-Orenes , Stefano Mocali 
 / Fri, 22 Apr, 13:30–17:15
 / Attendance Fri, 22 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Nutrient cycling involves a series of integrated processes carried out by a variety of organisms. Cycling involves initial fixation of nutrients rendering them available to other organisms in the biosphere (biomass), turnover of organic and inorganic matter and loss of available nutrients from the biosphere. Natural resource management strategies and agronomic practices affect soil biological nutrient cycling and thus soil fertility. Research has been conducted to understand the links between environmental-conditions, management and soil function and methods are constantly developed to analyze soil processes. This session will cover various aspects of biological nutrient cycling (e.g. N, P, C, K, S), including natural and managed factors affecting the rate of cycling and the communities involved in nutrient cycling. The session will also present and discuss new and/or improved methods for measuring nutrient cycling and analyzing the biological communities involved.