GM10.1/CR4.8 Glacial and cold-regions landscape evolution: observations, models, and implications (co-organized) |
Convener: Darrel Swift | Co-Conveners: Isabelle Gärtner-Roer , Vivi Kathrine Pedersen , Sven Lukas , Mauro Werder , Matteo Spagnolo |
Glaciations at alpine to ice sheet scales play an important role in shaping landscapes globally, and have profound implications for ice dynamics and topographic evolution. In addition, present-day glacial and periglacial processes in cold regions provide modern analogues to processes and climatic changes that took place during the Pleistocene, and current changes in mid-latitude mountain ranges could also serve as a proxy for future changes in arctic regions within a context of climate change. In recent years, our understanding of the mechanisms, patterns and importance of glacial and cold-region landscape evolution has advanced rapidly through new developments in process-based observations, landscape analyses, landscape chronometry, and in the parameterisation of fundamental physical processes in numerical models. We seek contributions from across this wide range of approaches that further advance our understanding of glacial and cold-region processes and the implications for landscape evolution and ice dynamics, including past, present and future changes in cold regions and in glacier and ice sheet systems.
Solicited contributors:
David Lundbek Egholm, Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University
Frédéric Herman, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics, Université de Lausanne
Anna Hughes, Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway