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Imaging and joint inversion in applied and exploration geophysics
Convener: Cedric Schmelzbach  | Co-Conveners: CharLotte Krawczyk , Florian Bleibinhaus , Ramon Carbonell , Stefan Buske , Joseph Doetsch 
 / Thu, 21 Apr, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Thu, 21 Apr, 17:30–19:00

This session will cover applied and methodological aspects of geophysical imaging and joint inversion across the scales (from lab to near-surface to crustal scale) using seismic and non-seismic methods. We invite papers on novel imaging techniques such as wavefield reconstruction and interpolation, imaging with multiples, focused imaging, shear wave reflection imaging and inversion, interferometry, full seismic waveform inversion (FWI), and multiparameter and multiscale inversions. We also invite studies that deal with applied aspects, especially when they make use of modern acquisition technology (4D, 4C, broadband…), or present robust workflows, or when they combine seismic imaging with other techniques (such as potential field methods, electromagnetic methods, or passive seismic methods) to obtain new constraints on subsurface structures. Applications of novel high-resolution imaging and joint-inversion techniques, such as fully-elastic FWI, are particularly welcome.