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Remote sensing of interactions between vegetation and hydrology (co-organized)
Convener: Tim van Emmerik  | Co-Conveners: Diego G. Miralles , Matthew McCabe , Eric Wood (deceased) 
 / Thu, 21 Apr, 15:30–17:00

Remote sensing techniques are widely used to estimate and monitor the relationship between vegetation dynamics and the water cycle. Measurements of vegetation water content, transpiration and water stress contribute to a better global understanding of the water movement in the soil-plant system, which is critical for the detection and monitoring of droughts and their impact on biomass. With the number of applications and (planned) missions increasing, this session aims to bring researchers together to discuss the current state in the remote observation of the interactions between vegetation and hydrology. We aim to (1) discuss what should be done to push the field forward, and (2) identify current major challenges.

We encourage authors to submit presentations on:
• Modelling studies,
• Remote sensing data analyses,
• New hypothesis,
• Enlightening opinions.

Besides the general scheduled presentations, we will organize a concluding plenary discussion, aimed at reaching new joint understanding.