FAN4 ECS EGU Medallists and Early Career Scientists Reception (by invitation only) |
Conveners: Laura Roberts Artal , Susanne Buiter , Bárbara Ferreira |
Tue, 19 Apr, 19:00–20:30
Working in academia is a far cry from your average 9 to 5, and ECS are often faced with questions that cannot be answered from a textbook. How do I balance research with other activities like science outreach or demonstrating? How do I strike a good work-life balance? Where should I focus my research?
At the 2015 General Assembly, the EGU hosted a reception with drinks and light snacks aiming to bring together early career scientists and award-winning researchers. This networking reception provided an informal setting in which scientists established links with outstanding early career researchers and established scientists; offering an opportunity for ECS to find answers to the questions above and for medallists to share their experience with researchers embarking on their academic career.