ERE – Energy, Resources and the Environment
Programme Group Chairs: Christopher Juhlin, Viktor J. Bruckman, Maria Ask, Sonja Martens, Suzanne Hangx, Kristen Mitchell
ERE5 – Geo-storage for a sustainable future
ERE5.1 The future of geo-energy: understanding the subsurface for safer energy production and storage |
Convener: Suzanne Hangx | Co-Convener: Alexandra Amann-Hildenbrand |
/ Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 17:30–19:00
ERE5.5 Process quantification and modelling in subsurface utilization |
Convener: Thomas Kempka | Co-Conveners: Sebastian Bauer , Jesús Carrera , Holger Class |
GI3.6/EMRP4.18/ERE5.9/SSP1.7/SSS12.27 Geoscientific Underground Labs and Test Sites (co-organized) |
Convener: Jochem Kück | Co-Conveners: Stefan Buske , Suvi Heinonen , María de los Ángeles García Juanatey |
/ Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00