CL5.11/AS1.32 Convection-permitting atmospheric modelling (co-organized) |
Convener: Marie Piazza | Co-Conveners: Douglas Maraun , Heimo Truhetz , Edmund Meredith , Andreas F. Prein , Lance F. Bosart |
This session explores recent advancements in the field of convection-permitting atmospheric modelling, with the newest generation of atmospheric models that allows for the explicit treatment of convection: regional and global models, variable resolution models (including ICON and MPAS), and models using super-parametrizations.
Such convection-permitting models (CPMs) have been shown to improve the diurnal cycle and spatial pattern of convective precipitation, as well as the representation of precipitation extremes. Furthermore, CPM simulations can show important differences in climate feedback mechanisms and climate change signals compared to traditional simulations with parametrized deep convection. CPMs thus offer a promising tool to provide critical information to decision makers and stakeholders, especially in areas at risk of convective extremes and mountainous regions.
This session also brings together the cloud physics community, numerical modellers and forecasters, with the aim of advancing current understanding of convection in general, including convective storm life cycle and organization of convection, with new statistical observation and modelling approaches. This session also encourages the examination of interactions between convection and other atmospheric phenomena, e.g. boundary layers, cloud physics, and radiation.
This includes, but is not limited to, model setup and parametrization, model evaluation methodologies and outputs, physical understanding of the added-value compared to coarser climate models, and application to climate studies for present time and climate projections, for short and long-term simulations. Particular attention is given to the representation of extreme events.