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Unveiling hidden features of the geomagnetic field: measurements, data analysis and modelling (co-organized)
Convener: Foteini Vervelidou  | Co-Conveners: Georgios Balasis , Barbara Leichter , Peter Kovacs , Ramon Egli , Erwan Thebault 
 / Thu, 27 Apr, 08:30–10:00
 / Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Recent advances in the analysis of both ground-based and satellite geomagnetic field time series have shed light into the characteristics and properties of the external part, i.e. magnetosphere and ionosphere contributions of the near-Earth electromagnetic environment as well as internal part, i.e. core and lithosphere contributions of the Earth’s magnetic field. Innovative time series analysis techniques of the geomagnetic field include recently developed automated methods based on wavelet transforms and artificial neural networks, entropy measures, revised spherical cap analysis etc. as well as new approaches to study the Earth system as a whole, e.g. Geosystemics. Geomagnetic field observations from the ground with over 100 years of data were augmented in the more recent past with observations from topside ionosphere missions (e.g., CHAMP, Oersted and SAC-C). This data pool is now further enriched by the measurements of ESA’s Swarm mission low-Earth orbit satellites, which was launched on the 22nd of November 2013. Therefore, the application and use of innovative techniques to unravel underlying features of the geomagnetic field is nowadays more timely than ever.

The session solicits contributions about innovative techniques for the analysis, interpretation, modelling and simulation of both ground-based and spaceborne geomagnetic time series, activity indices as well as geomagnetic field modelling covering the past millennia.