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Developing Persistent Identifiers for Future Applications and Maintaining Integrity
Convener: Jens Klump  | Co-Conveners: Tobias Weigel , Fiona Murphy , Helen Glaves , Peter Fox (deceased) 
 / Mon, 24 Apr, 13:30–15:15
 / Attendance Mon, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Persistent identifiers are well established as means for identifying literature and data on the web. More uses for persistent identification (persons, specimens, …) are emerging. Persistent identifiers can also be used anchor points in the semantic web and thus aid discovery of research resources. When using linked data beyond reasoning about concepts, but for reasoning about concrete identifiable objects, persistent identifiers are crucial for unambiguous identification of these objects. Furthermore, persistent identifier metadata should hold information about how they relate to other objects. This "cross-linking" has been a feature of some persistent identifier systems for more than a decade, but only now is cross-linking between identifiable objects being further developed.

Potential topics for this session could be:
- There’s more than landing pages: making PIDs machine actionable.
- How mature is the semantic web? If URLs for objects break, how stable are URIs in vocabularies, ontologies and schemas? Who is going to be responsible for their maintenance? PIDs claim persistency, but what is required to reap their benefits for the Semantic Web?
- New uses for PID in workflows and provenance tracking, software publication, identification of physical specimens, identification of instruments and sensors, PID in Virtual Research Environments
- Fresh ideas for persistent identification: Blockchain concepts, Magnet Links, the world beyond HTTP.