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Please note that this session was withdrawn and is no longer available in the respective programme. This withdrawal might have been the result of a merge with another session.


The Networks of Earth Observation, its coordination and their infrastructures to enhance international geoscience information access, provision and use
Convener: Joan Masó  | Co-Conveners: Ian McCallum , Jay Pearlman , Ivette Serral 

Different observation networks are providing important datasets for different geosciencies. Examples are EMSO, ARGOS, ICOS, EPOS, LTER, ACTRIS, SeaDataNET, Interact, EuroArgo, EISCAT, SIOS, EuroGOOS, etc. This session presents the efforts to provide create and consolidate sensor network, the infrastructure and the data made available to scientist. In addition, it presents efforts to harmonize and coordinate the Network of Networks at the European level. It also addresses not covered data user needs and gaps in the current data and infrastructures and suggests remedies.
In addition, this session is to provide a forum to advance collaboration, and facilitate exchange of methods and ideas between those working in different disciplines to discuss the integration and harmonisation of geoscience information and services to inform ongoing European and global initiatives. There are also links to existing and developing Infrastructures and research infrastructures (such as the pan-European Geological Data Infrastructure [EGDI]). In this context international examples are encouraged so best practice and experience can be shared including for example the implementation of INSPIRE specifications. Many of the end-users of geoinformation and services are not from the geoscience domain or are non-scientists so we also encourage papers from other domains and those with real requirements from the geoscience community.