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New developments in open source and academic seismic software
Convener: Marcin Polkowski  | Co-Conveners: Mariusz Majdanski , Ilma Janutyte 
 / Attendance Thu, 27 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Importance of wide access to open source and free academic software is indisputable these days. Most significant software applications in seismology begin when data is obtained from a recorder or from a data repository and is used for seismological research that can include full waveform inversion, ray tracing, refraction and/or reflection studies, receiver function analysis, ambient noise and surface wave measurements and numerous others techniques. Modern seismic software can be dedicated to single technique or can allow wide variety of uses, it can be simple and single threaded or aimed for parallel computation on HPC and/or GPU. Increasingly the community relies on fast and reliable seismic data transfer protocols that allow creation of rapid warning systems. The aim of this session is to gather seismic software authors, developers and users in one place to promote solutions and to share knowledge and experience. Presentations aimed at non-seismologists are welcomed, to increase knowledge about seismic data processing. We also would like to invite presentations about embedded software solutions. Software presented at this session should be open source and/or free for academic use.