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New geochronological approaches for quantification of geological processes (co-organized)
Convener: Cecile Gautheron  | Co-Conveners: Emilie Janots , Massimiliano Zattin 
 / Mon, 24 Apr, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Mon, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Geological reconstructions are based on temporal milestones, which can be used to precise and quantify the nature and features of the tectonic, petrogenetic, erosion and sedimentary geological processes. Combining ages brings constraints on the duration, periodicity and rates at different spatial scale (mineral to mountain), depth (surface to mantle), and time (from billion years to historical records). Advances in geochronological methodologies are providing significant improvements in analytical precision and resolution. At the same time, scientists are realizing that cross-method integration is essential to contextualize dates with geological events.

This session solicits contributions that explore new frontiers of geochronology in terms of: (1) Advances in the techniques and data treatment, (2) Age interpretation and evaluation of possible chronometer disturbance, and (3) Original applications possibly combining several dating or interdisciplinary methods.

Solicited speaker: Giulio Viola (