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Microstructure and texture analysis: New methods and interpretations (co-organized)
Convener: Rüdiger Kilian  | Co-Conveners: Renée Heilbronner , Maria-Gema Llorens , Guillaume Desbois 
 / Wed, 26 Apr, 13:30–15:00

The analysis of microstructures and textures (crystallographic preferred orientations) is used to assess the 2- and 3-dimensional geometrical and physical properties of geo-materials, with the aim of investigating the deformational, magmatic, metamorphic, or depositional processes that are involved in their formation.

Methods of microstructure and texture analysis include the quantitative assessment of particle shape and orientation, of grain size distributions and spatial correlations, as well as statistical pattern analysis, derivation of pole figures or analysis of orientation and misorientation data. Texture mapping techniques are used to visualize and combine the analysis of microstructure and texture.

We invite contributions from researchers presenting new or improved methods or technical developments in microstructure and texture analysis, such as EBSD, micro/nano X-ray diffraction, texture goniometry, SEM/TEM/ion beam techniques, X-ray topography, tomographic techniques, AMS, light optical techniques, mapping and imaging techniques as well as novel attempts to data processing, analysis and interpretation.

We welcome discussions as well as demonstrations of methods of microstructure and texture analysis applied to geo-materials (including ice) from natural samples, deformation experiments, material sciences applications or numerical simulations.