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Mountain building processes, from top to bottom: the Zagros-Himalaya-Tibet orogenic system
Convener: Bernhard Grasemann  | Co-Conveners: David Schneider , Yani Najman , Gregory Houseman , Karl Lang 
 / Mon, 24 Apr, 13:30–17:00
 / Attendance Mon, 24 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Subduction followed by continental collision is a principal geodynamic process resulting in mountain building and continental growth. One of the best studied examples of Cenozoic continental collision is the Zagros-Himalaya belt including the Iran and Tibet plateaus. Over the last decades this orogenic belt has been used as a natural laboratory in numerous tectonic, geodynamic, geophysical, geochronological, geochemical, petrological, sedimentological and geomorphological studies focusing on earth surface to mantle exploration of the processes and their interaction during collision, including climate changes. This session invites contributions to fostering interdisciplinary discussion of mountain building processes, focusing on the Zagros-Himalayan belt.

Keynote speakers:
Sofia-Katerina Kufner (Helmholtz Centre Potsdam): "Zooming into the Hindu Kush slab break-off: a rare glimpse on the transition from subduction to collision"

David Whipp (University of Helsinki): "Orogen-parallel mass transport along the arcuate Himalaya into Nanga Parbat and the western Himalayan syntaxis"