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Applying global-scale models and data in local water resources studies
Convener: Rogier Westerhoff  | Co-Conveners: Jaap Schellekens , Eleanor Blyth , Emmanouil Anagnostou , Martina Flörke , Catherine Moore 
 / Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:00
 / Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 17:30–19:00

In recent years, global hydrological models and global satellite data have assessed the world's water resources and its changes over time. Because these models and data cover the globe, they can be used to fill in gaps in data-sparse regions. However, many hydrologists still choose to start their own local model from scratch, since local models are best evaluated and calibrated at the local scale. A collaboration gap remains between global modellers and local, catchment-scale, modellers. Recent experiences have found that, with downscaling tools and inclusion of local data, global models and data can be applied successfully at the local scale. This sessions aims to share experiences about application of global-scale models and their use on the local scale, e.g., the use of downscaling tools for the terrestrial water cycle, uncertainty, and open data platforms. Not only at the success stories are expected here: also the challenges still to overcome need to be addressed.