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Recent developments in numerical atmospheric, oceanic and sea-ice models: towards global cloud and eddy resolving simulations on exascale supercomputers (co-organized)
Convener: Peter Düben  | Co-Conveners: Christopher Eldred , Florian Lemarie , Xavier Lapillonne , Valentine Anantharaj , Werner Bauer , Sergey Danilov , Laurent Debreu , Rieke Heinze , Mehmet Ilicak , Christiane Jablonowski , Christian Kühnlein , Thierry Penduff , Pier-Luigi Vidale 
 / Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Wed, 26 Apr, 17:30–19:00

In climate modelling, numerical weather prediction, ocean and sea-ice modelling numerical models of the earth System are used extensively. Over time these models have become capable of sophisticated simulations, incorporating such features as multi-scale prediction, structure-preserving discretization and a detailed treatment of physics. The models run on some of the fastest supercomputers of the world since predictions of future weather and climate will depend heavily on model resolution and model complexity. This session will present new work that is undertaken to improve the accuracy and efficiency of atmospheric, ocean and sea-ice models. It is intended to bring together scientists working on the improvement/development of numerical kernels of atmosphere/ocean/sea-ice models (and/or simplified models like transport or shallow-water equations), including their synergy with physical parameterizations; scientists who enable today's models to run as efficient as possible on existing and future high performance computing architectures; and scientists who run these models at cutting edge resolution and complexity. The session is structured emphasizing both improved/new numerics and exascale/high-performance computing.

Topics include...
...the development of novel numerical techniques, new discretizations, test cases, advection schemes, vertical discretizations, adaptive multi-scale models and physics-dynamics coupling,
...the development of structure-preserving discretizations and parameterizations,
...the development of scalable algorithms for Earth System modelling and the use of alternative hardware, such as GPUs, FPGAs and Intel Knights Landing,
... the use of Earth System models on state-of-the-art supercomputers to simulate phenomena that require high resolution, assimilation and data I/O on high performance computing architectures,
...the development of error resilient algorithms for weather and climate models.

There will be an invited talk by Tim Palmer.