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Erosion and Sedimentation in Mountain Landscapes (co-organized)
Convener: Sabine Kraushaar  | Co-Conveners: Jan Henrik Blöthe , Kristen Cook , Christoff Andermann , Luca C Malatesta , Antonius Golly , Jens Turowski 
 / Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–12:00
 / Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Mountain environments are areas of highly dynamical and widespread erosion and sedimentation processes. The variety of processes cover a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, from glacial erosion, rock fall, debris flows, landslides, river aggradation and incision to bank collapse. These processes also have a range of triggers and drivers, including retreat of permafrost, earthquakes, strong precipitation events, steep topography or sudden failure. Measuring the dynamical interplay of erosion and sedimentation as well as quantifying the rates and fluxes is highly challenging and often limited by the difficult terrain. Furthermore, consequences of these dynamical processes pose threats to important infrastructure such as roads and settlements and need to be better understood and quantified in order to provide a valuable process understanding to better prepare for consequences of related natural hazards.

We welcome contributions investigating:
- sediment mobilization and deposition
- concepts of dynamics and connectivity of sediments
- quantification of erosion fluxes in space and time
- sediment travel times and transport processes
- interaction of stabilizing and destabilizing processes on the slopes

We invite presentations that focus on conceptual, methodological, or modelling approaches or a combination of those in mountain environments and particularly encourage early career scientists to apply for this session.

Public information: Solicited talks by Dr. Rebecca Hodge et al.:
"Controls on the extent of sediment cover in bedrock-alluvial channels"
Dr. Shiva P. Pudasaini et al.: "Mechanical coupling between two innovative theories on erosion, transportation and phase-separation: Solving some long-standing problems in mass flows"