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Ocean salinity / Marine hydrological cycle
Convener: Gilles Reverdin  | Co-Conveners: Jacqueline Boutin , Thierry Delcroix , Detlef Stammer , Tong Lee 
 / Fri, 28 Apr, 08:30–10:00
 / Attendance Fri, 28 Apr, 17:30–19:00

The ocean surface salinity is strongly influenced by the water exchanges with the atmosphere, sea ice formation and melt, as well as inputs from river runoffs and ice shelves. Salinity plays key dynamical roles on the ocean circulation and on recent or past climate variability in addition to being a tracer of ocean circulation. The observation of surface salinity is at the core of major ongoing in situ and satellite programs.
We encourage the presentation of investigations on processes maintaining both the salinity maxima in the subtropical gyres and low surface salinities under or near the marine ITCZ, river estuaries and at the high latitudes, in particular on or near shelves. Results pertaining to the 'modern' ocean using in situ observations or new satellite data (for example, from the SMOS, Aquarius, and SMAP missions) and related numeral modelling and assimilation, will be particularly welcome. Diagnostics from other related tracers, such as water isotopes or their signatures in different oceanic archives of the last millenium, as well as studies of shorter-term (decadal or centennial) future evolution of ocean salinity, can also be accepted.
This intends to bring together communities working on all aspects related to ocean surface salinity and freshwater studies in the ocean, to review most recent results and to discuss further progress that is required.