SSS2.20/HS11.51 Innovation and new challenges in sharing research results and knowledge of soil and water resources: experiences on strategic thinking, technologies and collaborative work. (co-organized) |
Convener: Encarnación Taguas | Co-Conveners: Agata Novara , Emmanouil Varouchakis |
/ Wed, 26 Apr, 13:30–15:00
Recently, new knowledge is being created through global collaborations which might involve thousands of people from across the world and from all walks of life (Moedas, 2015). Involving people into the process of knowledge development requires an interactive participation with the current ongoing research and development. Open innovation and participative process to fund and to promote business disciplines associated to art or Science are every time commoner. However, a notorious gap still exists between Science and Society and the big question is how much Science and Innovation is really transferred and/or incorporated to the daily routine of the citizens? Beyond the policies, how can the scientists include the citizens´ interests into their research? How to improve the flow between scientists and citizens?
This session is conceived to: 1) present successful strategies to get research results to market or to different stakeholders associated to Soil and Hydrological research; 2) show useful technologies such as Apps, virtual labs, webs, etc., to transfer knowledge about the resources water and soil; and 3) discuss open, collaborative and participative methods to make progress in Sciences associated to control the degradation processes of soil and water.
Moedas, C. 2015. European Commission – Speech: Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World.