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Mountains and snow: Advances in large-scale land surface, hydrological and climate modelling (co-organized)
Convener: Nora Helbig  | Co-Conveners: Vincent Vionnet , Richard L.H. Essery , Michael Schirmer 
 / Wed, 26 Apr, 08:30–12:00

To describe atmospheric, land surface and snow cover processes over mountainous regions seasonally covered by snow is challenging. This session aims at bringing together researchers from various fields to explore the common issues, share specific expertise across disciplines, and discuss possible solutions to current problems.

While many communities work on a wide range of topics, including snow, glaciers, mountain hydrology, weather forecasting or climate, often similar issues have to be addressed: (1) Obtaining reliable input data, which involves techniques such as statistical or dynamical downscaling, post-processing of coarse-scale meteorological data, or the interpolation and assimilation of in-situ and remotely sensed observations; (2) Representing unresolved small-scale processes in coarse-scale model grid cells, e.g. by using subgrid parameterizations; (3) Evaluating model performance and improvements in data sparse mountain areas.