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Theory and Simulation of Solar System Plasmas. Suprathermal populations
Convener: Giovanni Lapenta (deceased)  | Co-Conveners: Marian Lazar , Viviane Pierrard , Philippa Browning , Jörg Büchner 
 / Tue, 25 Apr, 15:30–17:00
 / Attendance Tue, 25 Apr, 17:30–19:00

Theory and simulations of solar system plasmas aims to present and discuss new plasma-physical results spanning the whole range from microscopic to global scales, achieved by theoretical investigations and numerical simulations of the plasma dynamics in the solar system in comparison with experiments and observations in the heliosphere, at the Sun, the solar corona, in the interplanetary space or in planetary magnetospheres. As each year a topic of special current interest is chosen as a focus of the session. For 2017 the focus will be on solar plasma physics. Of particular interest is the implication of suprathermal populations in dynamical processes in the solar wind and heliosphere, like shocks, reconnection, instabilities and turbulence dissipation.